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Welcome to the RERIS website.
RERIS (Réseaux d'études des relations internationales sportives) is a network of researchers founded in 2015. It focuses on the history of sport at international scale.
RERIS goals are:
- to organize an event each 1 or 2 years (2-3 days) with a specific topic on international sport relations
to create more connections between researchers interested in the history of sport from various countries
- to encourage the study of sport as an important historical framework
- to provide a directory for media enquiries on sport history

!!! RERIS does not have a specific 
territory and it is not affiliated to any institutions (University or sport organization)!!!
You can find here some information about us, our events and also about various activities related to the history of sports field.
If you have any questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact us at: (RERIS coordinator)
Good visit!!!

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